Education is a fundamental right, yet in times of conflict and disaster it is often significantly disrupted, denying millions of girls and boys the opportunity to have a quality, safe education. In Afghanistan, it is estimated that around 3.7 million children are out-of-school and 60% of them are girls.
Aschiana Organization runs basic education programs for illiterate and dropout street-working children and for children at the Internally Displaced Person (IDP) camps. By bridging their learning gap, we aim at preparingthese children for schools and integrating them in the next educational session in public schoolsacross provinces. The children are taughtbasics of education, pashto, dari, mathematics and religious studies. This would enable the children to continue in the public schools after their integration. More than300 children attend the basic education classes daily at the Aschiana’s main centre in Kabul.
Each year, approximately, 820 children are integrated into different public school, throughout Afghanistan by us. After integration children have produced impressive results and are actively pursuing higher studies. Many of the children, who were integrated during the initial years of the programs, have graduated from schools and have successfully made it to their desired university courses. Most of them have secured decent jobs in the private sector as well as in government organizations across the country.